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Will I ever have to have my implants replaced?

Yes. All breast implants will eventually fail and need to be removed & replaced. With a saline-filled implant, a deflation will be noted immediately because the patient will loose volume on the effected breast. The released saline will simply be excreted from the body. A gel implant deflation, however, will be detected by either mammogram or MRI as the gel filler stays in place. Typically there is no noticeable change in appearance. Implants are warrantied by the…

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What is the difference between saline and gel implants?

Saline is simply salt water. A saline-filled implant can provide excellent results and is very easily monitored. A saline-filled implant has the characteristics of a water balloon. Patients can sometimes experience rippling and show-through with this implant if they are slender or don’t have a lot of existing breast tissue. Silicone gel-filled implants are more natural looking and feeling than saline-filled implants. They are more ‘forgiving’ in terms of adding volume to a patient who…

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