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Breast Implant Replacement

Breast implants are not immune to the effects of aging on your body. Over time, breast implants may begin shift, droop, or rupture, or your body may develop hardened tissue around the implant. Or, breast implants you received in your twenties may no longer look or feel appropriate for your more seasoned years.

There are a number of reasons why implants may need attention, and a breast implant exchange can be used to replace old or failing implants or to reshape your breasts as you age. This may involve exchanging the existing implant model for a newer version like gummy bear implants, or reshaping of the breast with a smaller implant.

Schedule your breast implant replacement consultation today!

Dr. Tim R. Love has been on the cutting edge of plastic surgery for more than 30 years, and is experienced in all types of breast implants. Call us today at 405.751.LOVE (5683) to schedule a consultation and find out more about your implant exchange options.

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