Going abroad for plastic surgery has been a popular topic for decades, despite warnings about unsafe practices and lengthened healing time. While some countries continue to profit off of foreigners taking an extra-long vacation to heal up, others are making it harder to save a little cash. In 2008, Queensland (in Australia) banned minors from getting plastic surgery and in 2009 Italy banned anyone under the age of 18 from getting breast implants. Now, Germany is banning plastic surgery for minors. What the Ban Does The ban, which has been in talks for months now, would ban cosmetic surgery for minors with the exception of procedures deemed “medically necessary.” It leaves a grey area around certain areas in cosmetic surgery, however, like aesthetic reconstruction surgery for accident victims. Jens Spahn, health spokesman for the Christian Democratic Union supporting the bill said the bill is about “protecting young people from the consequences of a wrong-headed beauty craze.” Bill supporters argue that it serves to protect minors from making decisions they may later regret in regards to altering their appearance. After all, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that procedures are definitely popular by age bracket: for those 13-19, it’s a nose job, with 20-29 opting for breast alterations. What it Means for the U.S. Although more countries are taking steps to control the plastic surgery market, the United States has kept quiet. While the Food and Drug Administration recommends that breast augmentation patients be at least 18 years old, there is no law requiring it. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons also released a statement saying they have no formal position on the topic of plastic surgery for minors. Here, just about anything goes. While the United States does have a long way to go, there are some rules governing plastic surgery: in 20 states, licensing and accreditation is required to perform surgery. Those offices must also adhere to safety procedures and must have life-saving emergency equipment and drugs on-hand. Of the remaining states, there is either no requirement or it is only suggested. Oklahoma is among the latter group, so be sure you’re choosing carefully!
ABC News recently reported that a study done by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons revealed that surgery among minors is up thirty percent in the last decade—all due to bullying. This is contrasting the most popular reasons adults opt to go under the knife—instead of doing it to “fit in” with their peers, adults are more focused on correcting unsatisfactory body issues. Whatever the reason, plastic surgery is popular among varying age groups and is usually well-received. What do you think about cosmetic surgery for minors? We’d love to hear from you!