If you’ve been contemplating your surgical procedure for a while now, there’s no time like the present: seriously. Winter months may just be the best time for having cosmetic surgery, for several reasons, and we’ve included the best of them just for you: More Recovery Time Without Missing Work When you step back and look at the calendar, much of November and December are holidays for the vast majority of people. This means that if you plan to have your cosmetic or plastic surgery done before Thanksgiving, you will most likely be fully recovered by the New Year. The total time you will miss at work will be a few weeks max and in many people’s working environments they can use this as vacation time. If this is the case with your work, then not only will most people not notice you are gone during that time, but you will also save a lot of money in lost wages. While this may affect your presence during the holiday parties, there’s nothing stopping you from recovering on the couch to ABC Family’s 25 Days of Christmas. It’s Easier to Cover Up When it’s cold outside in the winter months, it is easier to cover up when you are out in public to not only keep yourself warm but also hide the bandages on your face from the surgery. This is something to consider if you’re self-conscious about going out in public after the surgery—most people are, as the bandages are often covering much of your body and can look at bit grisly, especially early on. However, in the winter months, covering these bandages with a ski cap or a few extra layers is much more acceptable–and easier– than at any other time of the year. It’s the Perfect Time to Stay Inside The winter months usually have inclement weather on a number of fronts. It’s cold, rainy or snowy and few people are spending a lot of time outside anyway. So having cosmetic surgery and then holing up at home to watch movies and streaming television seasons, eat good food and recover fully is completely acceptable during this time of year. While you may miss a few social gatherings, most people will probably be doing the same thing and will be none the wiser about your surgery and subsequent recovery. Plus, you won’t have the hassle or cost of planning a vacation over the holiday season, dealing with the travel or having to see any family that you aren’t too fond of, at least for this particular year.
You Could Use it As a Gift While this may be an odd gift to get from, well, anyone, it is plausible that a family member or close friend could give you the gift of cosmetic surgery over the holiday season. If this is the case, you may want to use it immediately, due to all the other perks of having plastic surgery over the winter months, which are mentioned above. The plus side of this is that you get to avoid all the holiday crowds for that particular season, as you’ll simply visit the clinic and then head home to recover. It’s a Perfect Way to Enter the New Year Disappearing and changing your appearance slightly in the winter months is the perfect way to head into the New Year for some people. It makes the fresh start that comes with the New Year all the more fulfilling, as not only do you have a clean slate from the previous year but you have a brand new look as well. Metaphorically, this just makes more sense. We know you’d be heartbroken to miss spending the holidays with your in-laws, but how could you pass up the perfect season for your cosmetic procedure? With all of the blankets, good food, and lazy entertainment your heart could ever desire, the holiday season is the perfect time of year. Don’t hesitate and miss out on a much-needed Spring Break trip instead—contact us and set up your appointment today!