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Body Lift Procedure

Your body goes many changes during your lifetime. Age, injury, pregnancy, fluctuations in weight, and genetic factors can all take their toll, resulting in reduced skin elasticity, pockets of excess fat, and decreased tone in underlying tissue. If your sagging arms, cellulite, or uneven fat distribution are not responding to a healthy diet and exercise, it may be time to consider a body lift.

A surgical body lift, often performed in conjunction with a variety of other procedures such as liposuction, can smooth irregular skin surfaces, tighten the tissue that supports fat and skin, and create more beautiful and shapely contours. It is especially effective for areas including the:

  • Abdominal area, locally or extending around the sides and into the lower back area
  • Buttocks, that may be low, flat or shaped unevenly
  • Groin that may sag into the inner thigh
  • Thigh, including the inner, outer, or posterior thigh or circumferentially

During a body lift, a circumferential incision is made around the body to remove an apron of excess skin and fat, then reposition and tighten the tissue. Incision length and pattern depend on the amount and location of excess skin to be removed, as well as personal preference and surgical judgment. Deep support sutures within underlying tissues help to form the newly shaped contours.

A body lift may be suitable for one or two areas of your body, or even more. A complete lower body lift treats the buttocks, abdomen, waist, hips and thighs in one procedure. While you will see results almost immediately, you will continue to see improvements for up to a year or two after the procedure.


Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Tim R. Love has more than 30 years of experience performing body lifts in the Oklahoma City area. His use of the latest technology and techniques, as well as acute attention to detail and aesthetic skill, will help create the natural, seamless body you desire. Call our office today at 405.751.LOVE (5683) to schedule your consultation.

Schedule Your Body Lift Consultation Today!