LOVE YOUR LOOK! Get 20% off select treatments and skincare through Feb 14! ................. Hablamos Español ......... Ask about MyEllevate – our minimally invasive neck/jawline procedure! Next level facial and neck rejuvenation................... Morpheus8 - Microneedling Fractional Treatment for Skin Rejuvenation & Contouring. Results visible in days, minimal down time. ......... Schedule a Breast Augmentation Consultation today!
Hablamos Español - Call Us 405.751.LOVE (5683)


As we age, we naturally lose volume in our chin, neck, and jaw line. This can occasionally result in loose skin or a double chin. Dr. Tim R. Love is proud to offer Kybella, a non-surgical, minimally invasive alternative to surgical treatment of this problem area.

The Kybella procedure, which is performed here in our Oklahoma City office, consists of multiple injections into the fat under your chin. Many patients start to see visible results in at little as 2 to 4 sessions. Up to 6 sessions may be administered, with no less than one month in between sessions.

Dr. Love and his team will create a chin profile appropriate for your age and skin condition.  Join the countless patients who are enjoying stunning, natural-looking results and make an appointment today by calling 405.751.LOVE (5683) or fill out our convenient online contact form.