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Female Hair Loss – Underrated And Rarely Discussed

Guest Blogger: Nicky Hamila, Beverly Hills Hair Restoration Female hair loss is extremely difficult to talk about for the hair loss sufferer. It is difficult to open up about it – sometimes women find it easier just to hide their hair loss then openly discuss solutions with other women experiencing the same issue. It is an underrated stigma – so often hair loss is addressed as a male issue. However, it’s not such a one way street. We see many women at our Los Angeles hair restoration clinic that are searching for solutions to hair loss. It is not just a physical ailment – it is a very emotional and traumatizing experience where some women are forced to constantly cover it up with a hat. Some women say they don’t feel attractive, as if they lost a part of themselves and they feel out of control. It’s not a secret that a healthy head of hair is the basis of femininity in the American culture. The question remains: Why is female hair loss not as openly discussed? When a woman is looking to remove hair, the options are endless – from creams to devices, there is no shortage of hair removal solutions — not to mention all the commercials for waxing and depilatories advertised on the daily. But the opposite is not as openly discussed or advertised. How often does one see a commercial for Rogaine For Women during prime time television? Or at all, for that matter? When up to 60% of women in the US will experience hair loss at one point in their life, it’s a truly under-served community. Women who are looking for solutions as well as a forum to discuss their experience with hair loss don’t have many options or resources that are readily available. So where can they turn? One great option is online forums. Thousands of hair loss sufferers share their experiences with hair loss, their tested solutions or personal experiences with such things as hair restoration surgery. Hair loss blogs are another online resource to find people going through similar experiences with hair loss. Some hair loss blogs are devoted solely to female hair loss. Another option is actually visiting your general doctor or a hair restoration clinic. The cause of hair loss varies so much, it’s not always just genetics or just hormones. Hair loss is a common side effect to many diseases, conditions and lifestyle/environment factors. Most hair restoration clinics offer free consultations or charge a small fee to determine the cause and treatment. It gives the patient an opportunity to sit with the doctor and understand firstly that they are not alone, and secondly that hair loss can be diagnosed and treated. If more women come out about their hair loss earlier on, certain treatments and solutions can stop hair loss in its tracks and prevent future loss of hair. We are a Los Angeles hair transplant clinic dedicated to hair transplant surgery and hair loss prevention in Beverly Hills, CA. Like Beverly Hills Hair Restoration on Facebook.