The next generation of breast implants is under active development by Mentor Corporation aided by input from a group of expert plastic surgeons, engineers and scientists. The group, known as PROJECT LEAD, was assembled by Mentor from recognized experts in plastic surgery and associated sciences fundamental in the development and manufacturing of medical devices. Cohesive silicone breast implants are the latest development in the field. The silicone filler is solid thus alleviating the risk of…
Dr. Tim R. Love, MD prefers the inframammary fold (crease below breast). This is the least conspicuous site for any potential scar to be visible either in a social circumstance or to you personally. Also, when implants eventually need to be removed and replaced, this is the site which will be used.
Depending upon what type of work you do, usually a few days are adequate. It is best to restrict any lifting for about a week. Breast augmentation is typically an uneventful procedure which allows a patient to resume normal activities in a relatively short time.
With so many forms of liposuction in Oklahoma City being marketed today, the best approach is to first consult with a plastic surgeon who is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. It is important to understand that any form of liposuction uses a cannula to suction fat from the body. This process is invasive in nature therefore is considered surgery. Surgery should be performed in an accredited surgery center by a credentialed plastic surgeon. Your consultation…
Dr. Tim R. Love, MD’s portion of the surgery total is due one week in advance of the surgery. Fees may be paid by cash, cashier’s check, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, CareCredit, Alphaeon Credit, or Prosper Healthcare Lending. Contact our office for more details.