How Weight Loss Can Affect Your Breast Implants

DR TIM LOVE - TUMMY TUCK (1)Many women get a breast augmentation as part of a comprehensive plan to enhance their overall health and appearance. This often includes a commitment to losing weight or building muscle through exercise, especially after significant life events such as completing child-bearing. Understanding the relationship between weight loss and breast implants is crucial for those considering or who have already undergone this procedure.

How does weight loss impact breast implants?

A moderate amount of weight loss is unlikely to significantly affect the appearance or integrity of breast implants. Typically, a substantial weight loss — a significant percentage of the individual’s total body weight — is necessary to see notable changes in breast size and potentially affect the implants’ appearance. For an average-sized woman, a weight fluctuation of 10-15 pounds is generally not enough to cause a noticeable difference. However, larger weight changes may lead to more pronounced effects.

The impact also depends on the composition of breast tissue — the ratio of fatty tissue to glandular tissue. Women with a higher proportion of fatty tissue in their breasts may notice more noticeable changes with weight loss. It’s important to consult with a family doctor and/or plastic surgeon if planning significant weight loss after surgery, as they can provide tailored advice based on individual circumstances.

Will my breast implants still look good after weight loss?

In most cases, breast implants will continue to look aesthetically pleasing even after weight loss. This is particularly true for women who had less fatty tissue in their breasts initially and opted for augmentation to enhance their size and shape. Since smaller breasts typically have less fat, the loss of weight is less likely to significantly alter the augmentation. In some instances, weight loss may even enhance the appearance of the implants, making the breasts look fuller and more proportionate to the rest of the body. However, individual results can vary, and it’s essential to closely monitor any changes in the breasts during and after the weight loss journey.

Advice and Monitoring

Breast augmentation is a highly individualized procedure, and the effects of weight loss on implants can vary from person to person. Regular follow-up appointments with a plastic surgeon are key to ensuring that the implants maintain their desired appearance. These check-ups allow for timely adjustments or revisions if necessary, ensuring long-term satisfaction with the results.

Considering breast implants?

If you’re contemplating breast augmentation, it’s vital to choose a reputable surgeon and discuss all aspects of the procedure, including how future weight loss might impact the results. A thorough consultation will help set realistic expectations and prepare for any potential changes post-weight loss. Remember, maintaining open communication with your healthcare provider before and after surgery is essential for achieving the best possible outcome.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, feel free to contact us. We’re here to guide you through every step of your breast augmentation journey, ensuring your health and aesthetic goals are met.

Do Your Homework: Why You Need a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon in Oklahoma City

Choosing a physician is a very important decision that people take seriously. This extends to any form of medical services including plastic surgery. If you’re searching for a plastic surgeon in Oklahoma City, make sure he or she is board-certified. There are risks involved and you want to make sure you’re in good hands.

This video from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) details a case where a young woman made an important decision before learning enough about the physician. As the ASPS says her “story highlights the importance of always doing your homework when considering plastic surgery and choosing a highly-trained, board-certified plastic surgeon to ensure the safest outcome.”

Dr. Tim Love is a board-certified plastic surgeon located in Oklahoma City. He has been practicing for more than 30 years. Contact his office if you are considering a procedure.

Breast Implants or Breast Lifts? The Winner Is…

From Playboy’s Swimsuit edition to the “Save Second Base” campaign, it’s pretty clear: we love breasts. With the amazing technology plastic surgery has brought to the table, women no longer have to be content with their natural breasts, either. The popularity of the breast implant is no secret, but another procedure may be usurping its popularity.

Back away from the pro/con list and let us help!
Back away from the pro/con list and let us help!

The Implant versus the Lift: Which One and Why?

Breast implantation surgery was the most popular cosmetic procedure in 2012, with 286,000 performed in the United States alone.  With statistics that high, it may be hard to believe that something as simple as a breast lift could be a contender for popular procedures. We’re here to help you learn the difference between the two, and, more importantly, which one is right for you.

The Implant

  • Breast implants serve to change the size, form, and texture of breasts. The surgery is performed for: post-mastectomy reconstruction, to correct genital defects or deformities, for gender reassignment surgeries, and also for purely aesthetic reasons.
  • There are three main types, named for their filling material: saline solution, silicone gel, and composite filler. The type of implant used depends upon your individual needs and preferences, and your doctor may help you determine which one is the best fit.
  • Recently, there have been a lot of questions over the impact implants could have on breastfeeding, mammography, and complications. Fortunately, there have not been any negative effects discovered.
See, much better.
See, much better.

The Lift

  • Breast lifts are primarily employed to take the existing breast tissue that may have sagged due to age or weight loss and raise it into its original location. It can be combined with a breast implant surgery to create larger, fuller breasts that are raised and combined with existing breast tissue.
  • Breast lifts are relatively simple procedures that depend on the tissue viability and the nipple-areola complex (NAC) to ensure that the breasts remain sensitive and functional for breastfeeding and lactation.

So, what’s the difference?

Ultimately, a breast lift will not change the size of the breast, but will use the existing tissue and create a natural repositioning. Breast implants are for increasing the size of the breasts in addition to re-positioning.  Surprisingly, breast lifts have been on the rise in plastic surgery.

Although breast implants are still one of the most popular procedures, more and more women are asking to use their existing breast tissue. If you’re not sure which procedure is right for you, talk to us! We’d love to help you explore your options and get back to feeling your b(r)ea(a)st! (See what we did there?)

Dr. Tim R. Love, MD prefers the inframammary fold (crease below breast). This is the least conspicuous site for any potential scar to be visible either in a social circumstance or to you personally. Also, when implants eventually need to be removed and replaced, this is the site which will be used.

Yes. All breast implants will eventually fail and need to be removed & replaced. With a saline-filled implant, a deflation will be noted immediately because the patient will loose volume on the effected breast. The released saline will simply be excreted from the body. A gel implant deflation, however, will be detected by either mammogram or MRI as the gel filler stays in place. Typically there is no noticeable change in appearance. Implants are warrantied by the manufacturer to help with the cost of the remove/replace procedure however this warranty only covers the cost of the implants.  It does not include cost of surgeon fee, anesthesia, or facility fee.

Yes. All breast implants will eventually fail and need to be removed & replaced. With a saline-filled implant, a deflation will be noted immediately because the patient will loose volume on the effected breast. The released saline will simply be excreted from the body. A gel implant deflation, however, will be detected by either mammogram or MRI as the gel filler stays in place. Typically there is no noticeable change in appearance. Implants are warrantied by the manufacturer to help with the cost of the remove/replace procedure however this warranty only covers the cost of the implants.  It does not include cost of surgeon fee, anesthesia, or facility fee.