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Young mother holding baby
Becoming a mother is a life-changing experience, and nobody knows quite how literal that statement is than new moms.

Your little bundle of joy is everything you hoped for and more, but your post-pregnancy body may leave a little, or a lot, to be desired. While diet and exercise can help, residual baby weight, breast sagging, belly bulge, and excess skin can be frustrating roadblocks for women struggling to reclaim their pre-pregnancy bodies. Sometimes you just need a little help.

Dr. Tim Love’s Mommy Makeovers

Dr. Tim Love is a board-certified cosmetic surgeon with more than 30 years of experience as a leader and pioneer of cosmetic surgery in Oklahoma. His Mommy Makeovers offer completely customized procedures and treatments targeting specific areas that cause so many women frustration and discomfort after having children.

Mommy Makeovers celebrate the beauty of being a mom by helping to restore the changes experienced by her body during pregnancy and childbirth. You deserve to feel beautiful, confident, and happy with your new addition as well as your body. Dr. Tim R. Love, MD is committed to helping you set realistic goals in order to receive results that you will love.

Mommy Makeover Procedures

The Mommy Makeover includes a variety of procedures and treatments from which to choose. You can opt for a small correction or combine multiple procedures for a total transformation.

  • Breast lift –raises and firms the breast, removes excess skin and tightens surrounding tissue, and  can reduce enlarged areolas
  • Breast augmentation – gel or cohesive profile gel implants (“gummy bear”) are implanted into the breast to restore volume and shape; can be paired with a breast lift to restore a youthful look
  • Breast reduction – reduces the size of the breast to restore a more youthful appearance
  • Tummy tuck – restores a flatter, firmer abdominal contour by repairing weakened abdominal muscles and removing excess fat, tissue, and skin.
  • Liposuction – body contouring is fine-tuned by suctioning unwanted fat cells
  • Rejuvenation and skin treatment at our Med Spa – includes a variety of procedures and treatments to leave your skin healthy, glowing, and flawless

Expert Tips for Optimal Mommy Makeover Results

  • If your children are young, plan to have someone available to help you with the kids and household during your recovery, especially in the first week. Recovery time can range anywhere from 1-4 weeks, but resting in the first few days is absolutely critical.
  • If you are planning to have more children in the near future, consider waiting to have your Mommy Makeover. While pregnancy is possible following surgery, your results can be undone during subsequent pregnancies.
  • Maintain good physical health and nutrition while undergoing a Mommy Makeover in order to achieve the best results. Fluctuations in weight can negatively affect the results of your procedure.

Getting your body back after pregnancy and childbirth can be challenging. If you’ve tried everything, and just can’t seem to achieve the results you want, consider seeking help with a Mommy Makeover from Dr. Tim R. Love, MD.

To learn more about Dr. Tim R. Love, MD’s Mommy Makeovers, schedule a consultation today.