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They never said being a mother would be easy, and it has definitely taken a toll on your body. Although you’re happy with your little bundle of joy, the stretch marks, sagging, and misplaced skin are probably leaving you less than elated.  You aren’t the only new mom wanting to get back to your best; we’ve compiled a list of the most common post-baby procedures.

plastic surgery after baby Breast Implants

Topping the charts on the most popular post-pregnancy procedure, breast implants aren’t so surprising. Most mothers note that their breasts sag or seem less full following the birth of their baby and/or breastfeeding. Even after breast implants, mothers can breastfeed—just talk to your doctor and ensure you leave enough time for healing. As an outpatient procedure, you’ll typically be able to return home the same day of the surgery. However, heavy lifting should be avoided for at least two weeks — and that includes baby.

Tummy Tuck

Your stomach took a huge toll: loose muscles, skin, and stretch marks have left a mess of chaos behind. A tummy tuck requires a small incision around the pubic line, which will pull the muscles tight again. Although this is also an outpatient procedure, there are some lifting restrictions that can be in place for a large amount of time.

Breast Reduction

Every mother knows your breasts grow during pregnancy—but sometimes the sheer amount of the growth can be astounding. If breast size begins to contribute to back pain, a reduction may be an option. Following surgery, recovery can take up to six weeks. If you’re breastfeeding, it may be best to wait a few months after weaning before consultation—breast size will generally diminish slightly once milk production has ended.

plastic surgery after baby Liposuction

The troublesome pockets of excess fat that accumulated during pregnancy can be difficult to get rid of—but liposuction can take care of that with a simple procedure. Usually meant for small amounts of fat removal, liposuction can be performed within an hour and may leave your body sore for several days. Recovery itself may take weeks, depending on your body.


If motherhood is everything you hoped it would be but your post-baby body isn’t, we can help. Talk to your doctor about your concerns regarding lift restrictions, breastfeeding and recovery time. While some procedures are best left until you’re finished having children, others may be able to be performed now.  Call us today to set up a consultation and discuss your post-baby body concerns!